IT Security

IT Security Management

To protect information and information assets, including IT equipment, from threats such as leakage and damage as well as to conduct its business activities safely and securely, the Company established an IT security basic policy and formulated IT security management regulations.

To act as a management system, we have established an IT Security Committee while reviewing policies and regulations, conducting risk analysis, and monitoring IT security measures, including those of Group companies and the supply chain. In the event of a security incident, we form a response team in accordance with set procedures so that we can respond swiftly.

Efforts to Strengthen IT Security

To ensure the safety of the IT assets handled by the Company, we have implemented a raft of measures from both system and human resource perspectives. As an example of one such system, we have introduced an Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) service to quickly implement appropriate countermeasures against new threats, such as previously unknown computer viruses and targeted threat emails. We are working to improve IT security literacy by providing our employees with IT security education and targeted threat email training.