Announcement of Signatory to the United Nations Global Compact
Hirata Corporation announced that we became a singatory to the United Nations Global Compact and registered as a paticipant organization as of September 10. We have also joined the Global Compact Network Japan, which is a local network of the UN Global Compact in Japan.
Through the implementation of our founding spirit encapsulated in our Mission Statement and management philosophy, Hirata Group aims to contribute to the happiness of all people associated with us and to the building of a sustainable society. We will continue to ensure transparency and soundness of management while striving to achieve both business growth and solutions to social issues through the provision of products and services with respect for people and the global environment.
■The United Nations Global Compact
It is an international initiative that was launched at UN headquarters in July 2000. With the rapid progress of globalization in the world and the increasing number of issues that are difficult to solve by national governments and international organizations alone, the program was launched to encourage companies to take proactive and voluntary initiatives to solve social issues such as “protection of the environment” and “elimination of social discrimination”. By signing it, the chief executive officer of a company expresses his/her endorsement and direction of the ten principles of the UN Global Compact and is required to put them into practice on an ongoing basis. Signatory companies must report annually to UNGC on their practices and achievements in the ten principles.
As of September 10, 23,028 companies and organizations worldwide have joined the UN Global Compact. In Japan, 568 companies and organizations have joined the Global Compact Network Japan.
Visit the website below for more information on UNGC and GCNJ
■United Nations Global Compact
■Global Compact Network Japan