All News
- 2016.12.05
- Financial closing
- FY2017 Q2 Financial Results
- 2016.09.12
- Products/Technology
- HSL received Certificate of Appreciation for Auto Fixture Build System.
- 2016.08.19
- Financial closing
- FY2017 Q1 Financial Results
- 2016.07.12
- Products/Technology
- Partnership Award from Dyson
- 2016.07.07
- Financial closing
- Fact Book 2016
- 2016.06.16
- Award history
- Partnership Award from Dyson
- 2016.06.06
- Financial closing
- FY2016 Financial Results
- 2016.04.21
- Announcement
- Notice Regarding the Effect of Earthquakes in the Kumamoto Region (No. 3)
- 2016.04.19
- Announcement
- Notice Regarding the Effect of Earthquakes in the Kumamoto Region (No. 2)
- 2016.03.07
- Products/Technology
- We added the production information of robot controller and teach pendant for industrial robots.